Loose Fat Using Appetite Curbing Healthy Foods

By Rebecca Kane

Sometimes difficult to carry out, the theory behind losing weight is rather simple-- burn more calories than you take in. It is estimated that each 3500 calories represents one pound of body fat. To lose one pound a week, for example, you must eat 500 calories less per day than you are currently eating. Sadly, for the vast majority of people this is easier said than done.

The reality is that the bodies don't need too many calories to live. Scientists have discovered that the human body can go two to three weeks without food before it dies. What makes reducing weight challenging, however, would be that our bodies will fool us right into supposing that we are starving, even when we're having around a lot of extra excess fat that could be metabolized straight into energy.

Do not get me wrong -- appetite does serve a reason. In an ideal-weight woman / man, hunger stands out as the cue to take in more calories, as they definitely will very soon be required to continue essential life functions. An over weight human being does not necessarily would need these calories, though, and the urge for food only tricks us in to assuming that we do.

Certain foods we eat can actually suppress the appetite, make us feel fuller longer and, as a result, cause us to eat less.

Reduce Weight by eating Appetite Suppressing Foods

As a general rule, foods high in fiber will make you feel fuller longer because their bulkiness will stretch the stomach and trigger the body's appetite suppression system. Nuts and seeks, like pine nuts and flax seeds, also trick the body into thinking we are fuller than we really are.

Although not necessarily a "food", simply drinking a full glass of water prior to a meal will suppress the appetite, take up room and result in a lower caloric intake. The same is true for green tea herb, because it is known that it activates the production of a bodily hormone responsible for curbing your appetite and is thought to also enhance metabolism.

And, in conclusion, those of you having a sweet tooth are going to be willing to hear that dark chocolate is in reality a dieting aid for the reason that bitterness serves as a all-natural hunger controller.

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1 comment:

  1. I love decaffeinated Green Tea. But I read recently that regardless of how much you drink Chinese weight loss tea , not all the benefits actually get to your system the way you like. But you can fix that simply by adding a lemon to it. So drink away, just don't forget the lemon...otherwise, the benefits are about as good as drinking flavored water.
